Two weeks after the hearty GIVE Bukidnon, the main GIVEr, Heiz of the Journeying Pinay, seemed to have more to give. A well coordinated giving was
set in Lake Sebu, the summer capital of Southern Mindanao. This place offers a
complete treat to tourists who want to relax and unload the stress away. A
highland municipality of South Cotabato, Lake Sebu can brag for its cool
weather, lifegiving lakes, 7 series water falls, interesting rivers and
springs, scenic landscapes, outdoor adventures and interesting T'boli culture.
Honestly, I’ve been to Lake Sebu so many times. At first I
did it solo, and later convinced other visitors, friends and big groups that
could even make a community. I did camping alone outside a full-packed lodge, screaming
at the country’s most awesome zipline, joining a strange group in a boat tour,
trekking to 7series waterfalls, visiting a T’boli cultural house, witnessing cultural
presentations, get dressed in full T’boli costume and eating different menus of
So what makes this trip unusual?
UNUSUAL and memorable due to the fact that I (Trekero) and my buddies
Heiz (Journeying Pinay) and Glen (Escape Manila) did not just visit the place to satisfy ourselves with its offerings.
We did it to engrave genuine smiles to the faces of the welcoming T’boli
community with our simple gifts. And this is what I want to brag this time.
It was 3:30 am when Glen and I departed Davao. At 9:00 am,
we finally arrived at the Lake Sebu’s School of Living Tradition. A very long
trip, indeed.
The weather was so fair when we arrived at Lake Sebu. Heiz and Maria Todi, the manager of School of Living Tradition awaited for us. It was so overwhelming being welcomed by the smiling kids.
The school of Living Tradition situated right beside the highway. |